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Environment International丨上海交通大学公共卫生学院田英、高宇团队发现孕期NEOs暴露与出生结局之间的关系及氧化应激潜在的中介效应(图)
新烟碱类农药 神经毒性 生殖毒性 内分泌
新烟碱类农药(Neonicotinoids insecticides,NEOs)是在烟碱结构基础上研发的一种新兴农药,有着高效性、广谱性及良好的光稳定性。2014年,NEOs占据了农药市场25%以上的份额,并逐步取代了有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类等传统农药。因其特殊的杀虫作用机制,NEOs被认为对非靶标生物具有低毒性。然而近年来有大量动物研究发现,NEOs仍会对哺乳动物造成不良健康危害,如神经毒性、生殖毒...

Science of the Total Environment | 上海交通大学医学院公共卫生学院田英、高宇团队发现母亲孕期全氟化合物暴露可能影响婴儿生长发育(图)
多氟烷基化合物 全氟辛酸 生长发育延迟
近日,上海交通大学医学院公共卫生学院田英、高宇课题组在Science of the Total Environment第29期发表了一篇题为“Association of Maternal Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluroalkyl Substances with Infant Growth from Birth to 12 Months: A Pr...
2020年12月,公共卫生学院流行病学教研室王素萍教授和张亚玮教授团队在top1区期刊《Environment International》(影响因子:7.577)发表了题为“Exposure to multiple metals and prevalence for preeclampsia in Taiyuan, China”的研究论文。该研究首次揭示重金属联合暴露对子痫前期的影响,提示重金属...

浙江大学医学院周舟课题组Environment International发文揭示镉暴露在糖尿病发病过程中的重要作用(图)
浙江大学医学院 周舟 Environment International 镉暴露 糖尿病 重要作用
近日,浙江大学公共卫生学院周舟团队在环境科学顶尖期刊《Environment International》杂志发表了题为《Cadmium exposure impairs pancreatic β-cell function and exaggerates diabetes by disrupting lipid metabolism》的研究论文,发现镉暴露可以通过扰乱脂代谢平衡损伤胰岛β细胞并促...

山西医科大学公共卫生学院阎小艳教授团队在《Science of the Total Environment》等期刊发文:阐明砷氟暴露下CVEs毒性机制(图)
山西医科大学 公共卫生学 肠道菌群
近日,山西医科大学公共卫生学院卫生毒理学教研室阎小艳教授团队在环境毒理学Top期刊《Science of the Total Environment》(中科院期刊分区2区,影响因子:6.551)上发表了题为“Co-exposure to inorganic arsenic and fluoride prominently disrupts gut microbiota equilibrium an...

Study reveals contamination of air and environment near patients with COVID-19(图)
contamination air environment near patients COVID-19
A study by University of Nebraska Medical Center researchers provides new evidence of infectious SARS-CoV-2 throughout the environment and in air samples collected in COVID-19 patient care areas. SARS...

汕头大学医学院在国际环境健康领域重要期刊Environment International上发表研究成果(图)
汕头大学医学院 国际环境健康 领域 Environment International 研究成果
关于举办”the 9th Catalysis and Sensing for Our Environment Symposium 2019(CASE 2019)”国际学术研讨会的通知
CASE 2019 国际学术研讨会 通知
为进一步浓厚科研学术氛围,促进科研国际合作交流,4月14-16日将在我校举办the 9th Catalysis and Sensing for Our Environment Symposium 2019 (CASE 2019) 国际学术研讨会。该研讨会由化学与药学院主办,南京大学和中国化学快报协办。详情参见相关附件。研讨会将邀请国内外相关领域著名专家学者,共同探讨相关科学问题。热忱欢迎海内外专家...
When human illness increases in natural resource-dependent areas,the environment suffers
human illness increases natural resource-dependent areas environment suffers
In fishing communities near Africa's Lake Victoria, a new study has found that human illness exacerbates the decline of fisheries.The research, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), sugg...
Study:Changing the environment within bone marrow alters blood cell development
Changing the environment bone marrow blood cell development
Researchers at the University of Illinois report they can alter blood cell development through the use of biomaterials designed to mimic characteristics of the bone marrow.The findings, reported in th...
Cancer cells 'talk' to their environment,and it talks back
Cancer cells talk environment talks back
Interactions between an animal cell and its environment, a fibrous network called the extracellular matrix, play a critical role in cell function, including growth and migration. But less understood i...
The physicochemical environment of the neonatal intestine
Infant peristalsis unstirred layer
Dietary intake, bacterial metabolites, and the
secretion of factors (eg, proteins, electrolytes, lipid-soluble
molecules, and water) by the body each contribute to the
physicochemical environment o...
Relative influences of sex, race, environment, and HIV infection on body composition in adults
Nutritional assessment body composition bioelectrical impedance analysis
The factors that control body composition in disease
are uncertain.
A Simulated Learning Environment for Teaching Medicine Dispensing Skills
MyDispense simulated learning environment drug dispensing skills
Objective. To develop an authentic simulation of the professional practice dispensary context for
students to develop their dispensing skills in a risk-free environment.
Design. A development team u...
Combating The Obesogenic Environment:Helping Children Hold Onto Health
Childhood obesity Obesogenic environment Control
Given the unprecedented global incidence of overweight in children, the issues that potentially create and sustain a circumstance of epidemic childhood overweight, and the efforts that are underway to...