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Sustainable Production and Consumption|中国农业大学农学院张海林教授团队在我国水稻秸秆还田量优化研究方面取得重要进展(图)
水稻 秸秆 还田量 优化研究
近日,中国农业大学农学院张海林教授团队联合农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站等单位在Sustainable Production and Consumption期刊上发表了题为“Optimizing the rate of straw returning to balance trade-offs between carbon emission budget and rice yield in Ch...
A STELLA-Based Model to Simultaneously Predict Hydrological Processes, N Uptake and Biomass Production in a Eucalyptus Plantation
biomass eucalyptus N uptake STELLA model water use
Eucalyptus is one of the fastest growing hardwoods for bioenergy production. Currently, few modeling tools exist to simultaneously estimate soil hydrological processes, nitrogen (N) uptake, and biomas...
Short-Rotation Willows as a Wastewater Treatment Plant: Biomass Production and the Fate of Macronutrients and Metals
evapotranspirative willow system resource recovery sustainable wastewater treatment short rotation coppice
Evapotranspirative willow systems (EWS) are zero-discharge wastewater treatment plants that produce woody biomass and have no discharge to surface or groundwater bodies. The influence of wastewater on...
Land Cover and Land Use Change Decreases Net Ecosystem Production in Tropical Peatlands of West Kalimantan, Indonesia
deforestation forest logging tropical climate peat swamp forests oil palm estate NEP
Deforested and converted tropical peat swamp forests are susceptible to fires and are a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, information on the influence of land-use change (LUC) o...
Lecture 5 Quarantine Inspection on Production, Marketing of Hybrid Rice Seeds in China by YANG Yaosong
Quarantine Inspection Production Marketing of Hybrid Rice Seeds China YANG Yaosong
2. managerial system and Quarantine Inspection on Production, Marketing of Hybrid Rice Seeds in China
managerial system Quarantine Inspection Production Rice Seeds China

International Workshop on Crop Production and Soil Safety在内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院顺利召开(图)
International Workshop on Crop Production and Soil Safety 内蒙古自治区 农牧业科学院 作物生产 土壤安全 论坛
2021年12月13日,International Workshop on Crop Production and Soil Safety(“作物生产与土壤安全”国际学术论坛)顺利召开。本次论坛由内蒙古农牧业科学院、西澳大利亚大学、内蒙古大学共同主办,中澳植物资源与栽培联合实验室和内蒙古自治区退化农田生态修复与污染治理重点实验室联合承办。论坛采用线上线下相结合方式。线下主会场设在内蒙古农牧业科学院...

Journal of Cleaner Production/Chemosphere—王兆龙教授团队在景观农业提质控污上取得新进展(图)
Journal of Cleaner Production/Chemosphere 王兆龙 景观农业 生态环境 面源污染控制
上海交通大学农业与生物学院王兆龙教授团队在生态环境领域国际著名期刊Journal of Cleaner Production和Chemosphere上分别发表了题为Soil salinity control and cauliflower quality promotion by intercropping with five turfgrass species和Turfgrass intercr...

海南大学林学院刘铁冬副教授风景园林设计课题组在1区TOP期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》发表论文(图)
海南大学林学院 刘铁冬 风景园林 Journal of Cleaner Production
近日,林学院刘铁冬副教授风景园林设计课题组撰写的《Unmanned aerial vehicle and artificial intelligence revolutionizing efficient and precision sustainable forest management》论文在中科院1区TOP SCI期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》(影响因子...
CsbZIP1-CsMYB12 mediates the production of bitter-tasting flavonols in tea plants (Camellia sinensis) through a coordinated activator–repressor network
CsbZIP1-CsMYB12 Camellia sinensis bitter-tasting flavonols
Under high light conditions or UV radiation, tea plant leaves produce more flflavonols, which contribute to the bitter taste of tea; however, neither the flflavonol biosynthesis pathways nor the regul...

Recovering phosphorus from corn ethanol production helps reduce groundwater pollution(图)
Recovering phosphorus ethanol production groundwater pollution
Dried distiller's grains with solubles, DDGS, are a product of corn ethanol processing that's commonly used as feed for cattle, swine and poultry. However, DDGS contains more phosphorus than the anima...
Coniferous-Broadleaf Mixture Increases Soil Microbial Biomass and Functions Accompanied by Improved Stand Biomass and Litter Production in Subtropical China
coniferous-broadleaf mixture soil microbial biomass extracellular enzymes phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) carbon source utilization ability
Although the advantages of multi-species plantations over single-species plantations have been widely recognized, the mechanisms driving these advantages remain unclear. In this study, we compared sta...